Another short story of my motherhood

Adek is 9 months and 23 days old Alhamdulillaah.. I'm so grateful he's growing up fine.  He has 4 teeth ^_^
He's so active and smiles a lot. He can crawl so he crawls everywhere. I will upload his photo someday insya Allah^^

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Totally a Mum Thing!

Adek is 4 months and 13 days old. He weighs 7.3 kgs now alhamdulillaah.. His cheeks are chubby. He looks just like his daddy ^^
But I'm just worried that I won't be able to give him enough breatsmilk. I really want to breastfeed him exclusively for six months but I am a working mum. It's getting hard for me :(
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Brand New Wonderful Life

Today is our first wedding anniversary! Alhamdulillaah it's been a year^^
Adek, (it's how I call our son) is 3 months old. He loves putting his hand in his mouth. He babbles a lot and he smiles a lot. We named him Ibrahim Abdurrahman which means Ibrahim, the servant of The Most Gracious One. People often call him Aim or Baim.

Here are pictures of him:

May Allah shower him with His love and blessing
May Allah make him among those who are patient, grateful and welcomed in His jannah.. Allahuma aamiiin *hug^^
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Masa Penantian

When I'm typing this, I'm on my way expecting my first son. We're in 29 week now. I can't believe that it's been about 8 months that he's inside my womb. I said 'he' because when my pregnancy was in 16 week, the obsgyn said that I'm having a boy, insya Allah.

My husband and I are still learning to be a good team to raise our son. He is a very nice person. He treats me well. He can do anything himself, cooking, washing clothes, working, an independent person. He said he wanted me to cook for him, though, a couple days ago. I'm not good at cooking. Actually I can't cook, but I tried and it didn't taste really bad. Just need more practice. I will practice insya Allah.

It's been very nice so far, being married. You always have a shoulder to cry, arms to hug, hands to hold and someone to love, share your happiness and sadness, everything you feel. It feels good. Alhamdulillaah ^^

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Being a Wife, Becoming a Mom

I can't believe I say this, but I'm married and having a baby! (^_^)
Everything feels like a dream and that it will end and that I will wake up someday. But no, it's not a dream. This is real.

Now everyday there's someone calling me honey, texting me *hug and *kiss. Someone sleeps beside me and leads the daily prayers in front of me and everytime we finish the prayer I kiss his hand and he kisses my cheek. (^_^)

We got married about a month and a week ago and three days ago I went to the doctor who said I'm having a 4-week old embryo growing in my womb. I smiled and then cried. I'm having a baby when I'm 24. This is soo beautiful.

Many things are happening very quickly and they are happening at the same time. Sometimes I just think I really need time to digest all of these things. But I finally have my new education. Being someone's wife. I'm still learning to be a good wife. I'm currently studying him.

I pray that The Owner of the heavens and earth would never leave me and would never let me leave Him. I pray that whatever happens He will always be here watching and saving me. I pray that He will show me that I chose the right choice and that He is ridho with it. Allahuma aamiiin (^_^)
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Hanbok and Henna: such a romantic couple!

Hanbok is a traditional costume for women in South Korea. Despite of the fact that I disagree with the idea of most Koreans that plastic surgery is okay to look what is called 'beautiful',  and that I try hard to keep in mind that everything in the drama stays only in the drama, and that I don't really like my Korean friends because they are not friendly, I looove their Hanboks. I think they are sooo beautiful. All-covered, vibrant colors and the princess-look of Hanbok makes me fall in love with them from the first time I really saw them.
Here are some pictures of Hanbok I love the most:

Well I don't really like the ones for men. I think suits will look better.

And here is my own Hanbok. I just bought it a couple months ago from an online shop. It's so beautiful and I love it. I just bought the chima and make my own Indonesian jeogori.
I actually think of wearing it on my wedding. It will probably be weird at first as Indonesians usually wear Kebaya on their wedding, but it's all-covered and the top will be Indonesian, so I think it's worth to try^^

And there's one other thing I'm currently in love with: Henna.
Henna is a kind of paste to make temporary tattoo which is made from certain leaves and certain oils. I don't really know the ingredients. I usually buy the instant one.

Hanbok and Henna, they will look gorgeous together, don't you think?^_^

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aku yang memutuskan bagaimana perasaanku dan aku memilih untuk merasa bahagia

"Aduuh aku galau niih.. mana tugasku seabrek, mamah ngomel-ngomel terus, bbm cowokku malah gak aktif lagi.. aku streesss.."

"Lagunya si penyanyi A itu aku banget tau.. tanpanya aku gak bisa ngrasain apa-apa, gak berarti sama sekali.. kalo dia ninggalin aku.. aku mau mati ajaa.."

Dan masih banyak lagi ekspresi ekspresi anak anak muda jaman sekarang (kalo yg nulis sih anak muda jaman dulu haha) yang terkesan manis tapi tanpa disadari memberi sugesti pada diri mereka sendiri untuk menjadi pribadi pribadi yang tidak produktif.

Padahal, setiap yg kita pikirkan, yg kemudian dicetak sebagai kata bisa memberi sugesti pada setiap sel dari tubuh kita untuk merasakan apa yg kita pikirkan. Karena itulah, kampanye melawan negative-thinking atau kalau di islam disebut sebagai prasangka buruk (baca: su'udzon pada diri sendiri) harus lebih banyak dilakukan. Despite of the fact bahwa media sekarang terutama dari lagu dan film banyak yang memberi dorongan masyarakat terutama anak anak muda untuk cenderung bersikap lemah dan melemah-lemahkan diri sendiri. 

Banyak yang kemudian menjalani hidup berdasarkan apa apa yang ada di lagu atau film, memilih untuk merasakan perasaan perasaan yg ada di lagu. Hidupnya dijalani dengan tuntunan lagu ! (ckckckck)

Kata Allah SWT di Q.S Al Baqarah ayat 30 yang artinya :

''Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: ''Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi.'' Mereka berkata: ''Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?''. Tuhan berfirman: ''Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui''

Kata "khalifah" berasal dari bahasa Arab (Arab:خليفة Khalīfah) yang artinya pemimpin. Kalo baca ayat itu berarti yang namanya manusia, yg didalamnya termasuk kita (kalo masih merasa jadi manusia wkwkwk) adalah pemimpin. Paling gak, yang kita pimpin adalah diri kita sendiri yang terdiri dari pikiran, perasaan dan keinginan kita. Kalo kita tidak take control atas diri kita sendiri, maka kita yang akan dikontrol keinginan kita lewat lagu, lewat film. Pikiran, perasaan dan keinginan (baca: hawa nafsu) kita akan menggiring kita untuk mempercayai nilai-nilai kegalauan, kelemahan yang ada dalam lagu yang kemudian pasti akan menggiring kita pada ketidakproduktifan. Banyak anak anak sekolah yang nilainya menjadi jeblok karena ini. Sekolah gak bisa mikir karna galau dengan tugas, dengan guru atau dengan pacar. Katanya penjajahan didunia harus dihapuskan, bukankah ini juga penjajahan?

 Lalu apakah yg salah lagunya? filmnya? tentu saja lagu dan film itu gak salah. Bukan salah penyanyinya juga. Tetapi yang salah adalah cara kita menikmati lagu itu. Lagu yang hanya hiburan itu seharusnya hanya ditempatkan sebagai hiburan aja bukan tuntunan hidup. Tidak boleh kita lantas galau karena mendengar lagu lagu galau. Yuk jadi anak anak muda yang cerdas. Pilihannya cuma memimpin atau dipimpin. Kalo kita gak mau memimpin diri kita sendiri, kita yg akan dipimpin. Mau? :)

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